My full name is…
Carmen Atiyah de Baets.
But my friends call me…
Carmie / Carmella / Carmo / Car.
I grew up…
In Holland.
My cultural background is…
Half Dutch, half Lebanese.
I am expecting…
Six months ago I became the mother of a beautiful baby girl, Biba.
I feel at home…
In the sun.
My favourite place in the world is…
Lebanon. More specifically, Sporting Beach Club.
You will usually find me…
At CARMEN the guesthouse, kitchen and shop I run together with my partner in Amsterdam.
Each morning I like to…
Wake up to the giggling sound of Biba. Then I go into her room and we open the blinds together and cuddle.
The perfect evening is…
When we host a dinner party at the house! My partner usually cooks and I do the plating and table setting. I love working together in this way. He is a very natural cook, doesn’t use any recipes and is guided by what he feels like which is something that really inspires me.
I find comfort in…
My family.
The soundtrack to my life is…
Li Beirut by Fairuz.
I am where I am today because of…
My family, my heritage. Our history gives me a sense of identity but also understanding of the world and its complexities.
My pregnancy craving is…
Before my pregnancy, I was…
Working 24/7 on setting up CARMEN. I remember so well, we were still in the start-up phase at the beginning of last year. We got our first real booking in the guesthouse in April and we didn’t yet have a housekeeper so Joris and I did everything ourselves. Served up breakfast, cleaned breakfast, set-up the rooms, cleaned the rooms while also working on finishing the renovations and running the online shop!
When Biba was conceived we were on a work trip in Lebanon, working on commissioning a homeware collection for the shop. All we did was work!
Right now I am…
Trying to balance life more, make sure to have family time and be present for my daughter. To have moments together where we switch off and can enjoy watching her grow.
In the future I hope to…
Continue building CARMEN, for it to be thriving. I cannot wait to see little Biba running around the house with guests, helping her dad in the kitchen…
I seek inspiration…
In people.
Carmen Amsterdam is…
An idea Joris and I have been thinking about since we were in university. We used to sketch out plans when we’d be having drinks somewhere together. I kept all those notes and scribbles.
My favourite childhood memory…
Playing with my cousins during the summers in Lebanon. I remember so well the beautiful beach we used to go to and we’d play around pretending to be sand kings and queens.
A tradition I hope to pass down…
Making photo albums and videos documenting our family life.
I am my happiest when…
I am with a lot of people I love.
I feel womanly when…
In a bikini in Lebanon - Lebanon means a lot to me I am realising through this interview ;)

I feel safe when…
I am with Joris.
The perfect scent is…
Jasmin in my grandma’s garden.
My favourite body part is…
My stomach and hips.
My favourite snack is…
Green apple.
My favourite colour is…
Currently pink.
I love listening to…
Biba’s babbling.
I relax when…
I take a bath.
I am moved by…
Creative output, whether it be film, art, fashion or music. I have always been awe of people who create.
Photographed by Carmen's partner Joris at home in Amsterdam.