My name is…
But my friends call me…
Su or sana.
I grew up…
In Texas.
My cultural background is…
Mexican American.
My bedroom window…
Is filled with blooming jasmine.
My favourite place in the world is…
Where ever Mateo is.
You will usually find me…
In the sunroom with Mateo listening to music and misting the plants.
I am happiest when…
I am held in Ivan’s arms.
Mateo’s name came from…
A movie … Biutiful ~ on one of our date nights we watched this movie and both agreed we loved the name Mateo 🤍
Each morning we like to…
Pick flowers and wave hello to the trains.
The best evening is…
Going for ice cream and driving through the canyons to see the stars.
Mexico is…
Pure love and serene.
Before becoming a mother, I was…
I’ve always been a mother at heart. Nurturing and guiding family/friends.
Right now I am…
Listening to a playlist I made: something soft / sitting in your room.
Listen on Spotify here.
The best lesson I’ve learnt…
Was to love myself unconditionally with more patience and kindness. How we love ourselves guides us to love someone else; it keeps our hearts open to different ways of loving.
How I find balance…
Is going for a run and hearing my mother’s voice.
I see beauty in…
Everything that surrounds me; I believe if you lead a beautiful life then everything will be beautiful.
Something most people don’t know about me is….
That I swam competitively for thirteen years.
What makes me dance…
Good food makes me dance.
The person I admire most…
Is my mom.
The perfect scent is…
I have a few: the air before a thunderstorm in Texas, California matilija poppies, and Mateo’s little bunny and pillow he sleeps with.
I feel womanly when…
I am being embraced. When I feel Ivan’s arms wrapped around my bodice. When I feel desired.

I feel comfortable when…
I can be myself.
I relax when…
My hair is being caressed.
My favourite body part is…
My waist.
My favourite snack is…
Dark chocolate.
My favourite colour is…
Navy blue.
My favourite childhood memory…
During the summer time, when my dad would pack popsicles and take us to see the airplanes take off at night.
I am grateful for…
The life God has given me.
I am looking forward to…
Mateo’s hugs when he wakes up.
Photographed in Mexico by Susana's partner, Ivan.