My full name is…
Jackie Pettitt.
But my friends call me…
Jac or Vasiti.
I grew up…
With two older brothers that always made sure I was looked after.
My cultural background is…
A mix of Fijian, German and Australian.
My bedroom window…
Lets in a much needed cool breeze during Summer.
My favourite place in the world is…
Tokyo, Japan.
You will usually find me…
Spending time with my dog Panda or filming and editing YouTube videos.
I am happiest when…
I'm on a camping trip. It’s so relaxing to be outdoors with good company and no WIFI. I’m also currently obsessed with buying camping equipment.
We are expecting…
A baby boy!
Each morning we like to…
Always try to make the effort to sit down to eat breakfast and enjoy our morning coffee together.
The best evening is…
When I’m enjoying a home cooked meal and spending time with my fiancé. He cooks the best Thai food – I’m so lucky!!
The soundtrack to my life is…
Anything by Lauryn Hill or the Fugees.
Before I became a mother, I was…
Busy being a dog mum.
Right now I am…
Looking after my one month old son, navigating my way through motherhood and everything that comes with being postpartum.
In the future I hope to…
Be doing something I love while having time to spend with my family and enjoy the simple things in life.
I realised I’m exactly where I should be when…
I watch my fiancé look after our son. I couldn’t have asked for a better dad for Sunny.

I find inspiration…
From nature or through my collection of books and magazines.
What makes me dance…
Any Pacific Island music – guaranteed to always put me in a good mood.
The person I admire most…
My Mum. I’ve definitely admired her even more now that I’ve become a mother myself.
I feel womanly when…
Carrying a child. I’m still in awe of how my body was able to create life and be the home for my son for nine months.
I feel safe when…
I’m with my fiancé.
My favourite body part is…
I don’t think I have a favourite. I’ve learnt to love every party of my body as I have grown older, especially now that it has given me my son.

My favourite colour is…
Green, it reminds me of the outdoors and gives off a peaceful and calm mood.
I relax when…
I’ve completed my to do list for the day and have time for self-care and a face mask.
My favourite thing to do with my family is…
Spend time at home together, I’m definitely a home body.
My favourite childhood memory…
Going on family beach holidays.
I am moved by…
People showing kindness.
I am looking forward to…
Watching my son grow up so that he can fit into all the cute sneakers I bought for him, and I also can’t wait to take him on his first camping trip.
Self-portraits at home in Victoria, Australia.